70 years of Fraunhofer. 70 years of future

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft honored outstanding projects by its researchers at its annual conference in Munich on May 8, 2019. The Joseph-von-Fraunhofer awards for outstanding scientific achievements in solving application-related problems and the Fraunhofer Human-Centered Technology Prize of former Executive Board members and institute directors and the Fraunhofer Excellence Foundation were presented. 

This year’s guest speakers were Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter.

Video: Fraunhofer research awards ceremony 2019

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Joseph von Fraunhofer Prizes

Since 1978, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has annually awarded prizes for outstanding scientific achievements by its employees that have system relevance and a potential to directly and decisively help solve societal challenges and safeguard the future of Germany as a business location. More than 300 researchers have won the award to date. This year, four prizes were awarded, each worth 50,000 euros.


From roads to the Internet: Planning infrastructure faster thanks to machine learning


Real-time tracking for live analyses - Fast as a puck, hard as ice hockey


Saving energy in the production of chemicals


Realistic people in virtual worlds - A movie as a true experience

Fraunhofer Prize Human-Centered Technology

The joint award of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, former Executive Board members and institute directors of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, and the Fraunhofer Excellence Foundation "Human-Centered Technology" is awarded every two years for research and development services that have made a significant contribution to improving people's quality of life and maintaining their performance in daily life and into old age. The award is endowed with 50,000 euros.


New teeth: Highly rigid – and ready for immediate use

70 Years of Fraunhofer. 70 Years of Future. What's next?

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Jury of the Fraunhofer Awards 2019

A 13-member jury chaired by the Fraunhofer President, Prof. Dr. Reimund Neugebauer, has decided on this year's research awards.
