About the Innovation Platform and its objectives

ISSS and its objectives

Our objectives are to accelerate the development, application and implementation of new technologies and materials in industrial processes and adaptation within emerging, established and associated blue economy sectors.

By infrastructure investment  and the intelligent coupling of  existing structures, a research and innovation platform for sea and ocean solutions will be the world’s most efficient innovation provider for applied R&D. To this end, the Innovation Platform Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions ISSS addresses the entire value chain of a sustainable Blue Economy.

Healthy and productive oceans with a sustainable and circular European green-blue economy: this vision of Europe in 2030 fueled the motivation to establish an Innovation Platform Sustainable Subsea Solutions because it strongly supports the following European strategic goals:



Since future food and resource supply are known global issues, the competition for marine resources is on, and it is expected to dramatically increase. This competition can only be won by the player with the most innovative and highly sustainable sea and ocean technologies. Today, Europe’s maritime industry is leading globally, but in the race for international leadership in maritime technologies, with the USA in the west and China in the east, Europe risks losing its leadership in maritime technologies.



The unique selling point is sustainability, which will enable the EU to take the global leadership in innovative technologies, services and skills for the sustainable use of our oceans – in contrast to the more rigorous and environmentally harmful methods of our global neighbors.



Tapping the marine resource potential in a sustainable manner is crucial to guarantee the future resource and food sovereignty of the EU.



Securing the EU’s competitiveness, protection and leadership requires supporting infrastructures and highly innovative technologies that are suitable for the tough maritime environment. Such technologies – mostly key technologies in the fields of robotics, sensors and actuators, communications, electronics and materials, as well as data analytics and artificial intelligence – will be researched and developed, providing the EU with a high degree of technological independence.


The Innovation Platform Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions ISSS supports the European Green Deal Vision 2030. As a global leader in maritime technologies, Europe provides innovative solutions to the world’s marine and subsea industry, enabling global and sustainable utilization of our oceans while supporting the agenda of the UN Decade for Ocean Sciences (2021–2030).


Joanna Przedrzymirska-Ziółkowska

Contact Press / Media

Joanna Przedrzymirska-Ziółkowska

Project Lead Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions (ISSS)

Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD
Joachim-Jungius-Str. 11
18059 Rostock, Germany

Phone +49 15152026776

Lorena Iden

Contact Press / Media

Lorena Iden

Project Development Sustainable Sea and Ocean Solutions (ISSS)

Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Joachim-Jungius-Str. 11
18059 Rostock, Germany

Phone +49381 4024 486

Katrin  Mögele

Contact Press / Media

Katrin Mögele

EU Office Brussels

Mobile +49 151 41486451