Fraunhofer Technology Experience

Working as a team: man-machine interaction in a social networked industry

Brussels / June 14, 2018

There is a lot of buzz about disruptive aspects of automation and robotics in labor, especially industrial work. However, there is less awareness about the importance and newest achievements in the interaction between man and machine. What benefits do we get from the latest technology? How seamless can an interface between humans and machine be, and how does it feel? The new concept of social networked industry comes into play by bringing together connected industry (Industrie 4.0, Internet of Things) with connected people (social networks).

In the first edition of the newly established »Fraunhofer Technology Experience«, colleagues from Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML presented two of their latest developments on man-machine interaction in connected digital logistics and production processes. In real life applications, participants tested how man and machine can work as a team: in an Augmented Reality (AR) demonstrator supporting humans in packaging process in logistics and a Virtual Reality (VR) solution allowing workers from shop floor level and logistics planners to design new production facilities together and qualify workers for new processes at the same time. The demonstrators both have been developed within the research project »Innovationlab Hybrid Services in Logistics« of Fraunhofer IML.




  • 12.30 Registration and networking lunch
  • 13.00 Welcome
    Muriel Attané, Secretary General, EARTO
  • 13.05 Keynote
    Arian Zwegers, Programme Officer, Technologies and Systems for Digitising Industry, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission
  • 13.20 Presentation and Technology Experience
    Andreas Nettsträter, Manager EU Affairs, Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML
    »Working as a team: man-machine interaction in a social networked industry«
  • 13.50 Dessert and demonstration

The Fraunhofer Brussels office will provide the presentations held on request.



Andreas Nettsträter
Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 2-4
44227 Dortmund, Germany
Phone +49 231 9743-286



Fraunhofer EU Office Brussels
94, Rue Royale